
Showing posts from April, 2019

Week 8: Design Sprint - Prototyping


Week 8: Design Sprint

Experience Mapping exercise from the 'understand' phase. This has helped get a clearer contextual understanding of where the pain points are for teachers in relation to their experiences dealing with unengaged students. (I've only done one from this phase as I've already done many of the audience persona exercises throughout my research so far.) Crazy Eight's rapid ideation exercise from the 'Sketch' phase. This was super interesting- although a little hard to get into at first- was great to have a bit of time pressure to brainstorm some visuals. Solution Sketch exercise from the 'Sketch' phase. Although usually not the case, in this crazy eight's exercise I've decided that my initial idea is the best for now, so I've taken that through to a more detailed solution sketch in preparation for prototyping.  Prototype Storyboard exercise from the 'Prototype' phase. This continued on from the previous sketch, and made

Easter Break Week 2: Thumbnailing Poster Ideas/ Visual Theme


Easter Break Week 2: First Draft of the Proposal

Key Terms/ glossary Learning Diversity/ learning styles. diversity in how people think- and therefore learn. creative literacy. Student Engagement. Introduction Definition of problem- original how might we statement/ research question. Theory: Topic Education isn’t educating NZ kids. Students are disengaged, stressed, angry, and many are even willing to ‘cheat the system’ by credit counting. NCEA is flawed, and it’s about damn time someone did something about it. How to educate creativity? How to educate creatively? I started this project wanting to combine my interests with the physical arts/ crafts, and my interest of UX and Service Design. That began as a research project into creativity with youth, however the more I looked, the more I found, that suggested a much more pressing issue was at hand. On paper, students aren’t as ‘creative’ as they used to be, but that’s not entirely true. Children are inherently creative, with curious and experimental natures, it’s i

Easter Break Week 2: Audience Mapping Exercises


Easter Break Week 2: Reaffirming My Project Values and Positioning


Easter Break Week 1: Conversation with Ed Strafford

Today I had an awesome conversation with Ed Strafford, who works in the ministry of education. Below are the questions, notes and key outcomes from this conversation. (Questions are rough drafts that I ad-libed as we spoke.) Do you know if the MoE has made any recent changes to policy and/ or resources they provide for learning diversity in the classroom. (Specified teaching for different ways of thinking/ learning) Many of the teachers I’ve talked to have said they’d love a wider range of more detailed resources. With the recent NCEA review, is it likely the MoE will work on this in the next 10 months? For the context of a university project, is it relevant to be addressing similar problems that the MoE has already recognised in their review? Or does that just justify the importance of the problems?  At this stage I’m not sure whether I should direct my project towards a scalable public audience (potentially a resource that could work for the MoE), or a more specific individ