Week 8: Design Sprint

Experience Mapping exercise from the 'understand' phase. This has helped get a clearer contextual understanding of where the pain points are for teachers in relation to their experiences dealing with unengaged students. (I've only done one from this phase as I've already done many of the audience persona exercises throughout my research so far.)

Crazy Eight's rapid ideation exercise from the 'Sketch' phase. This was super interesting- although a little hard to get into at first- was great to have a bit of time pressure to brainstorm some visuals.

Solution Sketch exercise from the 'Sketch' phase. Although usually not the case, in this crazy eight's exercise I've decided that my initial idea is the best for now, so I've taken that through to a more detailed solution sketch in preparation for prototyping.

 Prototype Storyboard exercise from the 'Prototype' phase. This continued on from the previous sketch, and made me seperate my ideas in to 4 main points. This also helped me link the aims of this product to the features it will need.

The previous exercise sparked a conversation with a peer which ended up starting a new idea track for a solution. (Focusing on the learning styles issue, where I take a textbook/ class exercise and redesign it to cater for the 5 learning styles.) For the purpose of this design sprint exercise I'll continue with the other concept for the prototype testing, however I'll explore this new idea for my project further afterwards.


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