Week 11: Poster Ideation + 1-1 feedback session

Rapid Ideation Exercise: Random words

Some sketch mock ups using random words as inspiration (Inspo words from left, top down: Circle, Broken, Light, Key, Book, Game, Bold, Book x2, Book x3, Water):

These are the mini A5 sketch ideas I took into Karl Kane's friday feedback session. When going over these with my peers, we talked about the pros and cons of each. The bottom right two stood out the best, and we talked about combining those into one poster idea.

When Karl came around to talk, he quite liked the 'lets turn the page on education' idea. His overall comments were: he liked the ideation process I went through to get to here, he liked the range of ideas, however he mentioned they all took quite a negative tone, they were all quite problem focused not solution focused. He proposed that the 'turn the page' concept would be perfect for combining a positive/ negative, solution/ problem contrast between the layered posters. I love this idea and will develop this into my designs over the weekend.


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