Week 4: Survey Questions + Planning + Ethics

Survey Link

Preliminary research

Do you like school? Do you hate school? Are you a parent, student, or teacher? Then you should fill out this survey <3

  • Are you a student, teacher, or parent?

For Teachers:
  • What curriculum do you teach under?
  • What subject(s) do you teach, or have taught in the past?
  • Do you feel restricted with what you have to teach?
  • If you could make any changes, what would you do?
  • Do you feel there needs to be changes within the curriculum itself, or just better resources for teachers, or both?
  • As a teacher, is there anything you need that you aren't getting? (In order to effectively teach students.)
  • Are there any reoccurring comments/ complaints you overhear from students? 

For Parents:
  • What subjects do they struggle with the most?
  • Do you think this has anything to do with the methods this subject is taught by?
  • Do you feel the current school system is giving your child/ children the support they need to achieve their potential?
  • Are there any reoccurring comments/ complaints you hear from your kid(s)?

For Current Students:
  • Just some quick info about you: What school year are you currently in?
  • Do you go to a gendered/ religious/ 
  • What curriculum did you study with? NCEA
  • Have you ever considered dropping out?
  • Do you feel your education to this point has prepared you for the real world? Are you confident you have the life skills necessary to confidently 'survive' the workforce.
  • Do you enjoy school? Why/ why not?
  • Do you consider yourself creative? Any particular reason why or why not?

For Recent High School Graduates (Within 5 Years):
  • What school year did you graduate?

For all:
  • Contact details (optional) -name/email/phone, hours available for cold calls- / if you're interested in updates on this project, or if you're happy for me to send you further questions as my research develops.
  • Do you have any contacts/ know of anyone working in the education-creativity-youth space that might be interested helping or 

Logic jumps for questions plan:

Ethics statement: This project has been evaluated by peer review and judged to be low risk.  Consequently, it has not been reviewed by one of the University’s Human Ethics Committees.  The researcher(s) named above are responsible for the ethical conduct of this research.
If you have any concerns about the conduct of this research that you wish to raise with someone other than the researcher(s), please contact Prof Craig Johnson, Director, Research Ethics, telephone 06 356 9099 x 85271, email humanethics@massey.ac.nz

Email draft: 

Hi xxxx,

I’m a Service Design student at Massey University, currently researching for my honours project. I’m exploring some of the issues arising around student engagement, learning diversity, and creative literacy in education. I want my work to reflect what is actually needed in this space, and not just built off assumptions. So I’d love input from as many people as possible! 

I’ve made a brief typeform survey to gather some initial data, but I’d also love to have some in-depth interviews with those who are interested. (I’ve added a space in the survey to put contact details for those people.)

I’d really appreciate it if you could pass this email around your staff/ parents/ and students if possible! Or if you know anyone who could provide insight in these areas that I could interview, please get in touch.

Thank you!
Ruth Johnson

Follow up ethics email draft for any further enquires:

Hi xxxx,

This survey has been classified as ‘low risk’ as my main target audience is above 16, and therefore doesn’t require parental consent. There is a ‘low risk’ notification at the end of the survey, which provides the information and prompts participants to raise any concerns with my supervisors.

Low risk statement: "This project has been evaluated by peer review and judged to be low risk. Consequently, it has not been reviewed by one of the University’s Human Ethics Committees. If you have any concerns about the conduct of this research that you wish to raise with someone other than the researcher, please contact Prof Craig Johnson, Director, Research Ethics, telephone 06 356 9099 x 85271, email humanethics@massey.ac.nz"

My main target audiences are recent high school graduates (as they have a holistic yet recent viewpoint) and teachers. I have added a ’student’ option as I am still interested in their viewpoints, and there is a requirement within the survey to provide proof of parental permission for those under 16. (This comes after the ‘what school year are you’ question, select year 9/10/11 to see how this looks.) There is a link in this area for an online parental permission form and an upload space, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k5D-6i2VcmYcPOPbLG8PO0Ln081MqBOP/view?usp=sharing.

Supervisor contact details:
My paper co-ordinator (and main supervisor) Antony Nevin- A.Nevin@massey.ac.nz
Alternatively, Prof Craig Johnson, Director, Research Ethics, telephone 06 356 9099 x 85271, email humanethics@massey.ac.nz

I’ve also attached the paperwork completed with how the ‘low risk’ classification was reached. 

Thank you for your time!
Let me know if there’s anything else you require.
Ruth Johnson

Survey questioning logic- showing under 16 parental permission requirement, with link to online form and evidence upload

Schools emailed directly:

I'm also posting on multiple facebook groups/ pages to reach a wide and unbiased audience. (The people who respond to emails are different personalities to those who mostly use social media, I want to get a mix of responses from both.)


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