Week 5: Meeting with Phoebe J Smith (Project Overview)

Today I had a catch up coffee meeting with Phoebe, (a mentor I've had in the past outside of Uni.) It was great to run over where I'm at with someone who has a fresh perspective, and getting some new ideas and clarification for the direction I'll head in now.

We went over the research map I'd made earlier with Mark, and discussed the potential and flaws within each area. It was great talking it through, as it drew to light the parts that needed further research and documentation. Phoebe reminded me to go back to the original problem, to refine and develop this in the context of my new research, and then use that to prioritise what to do from there. I need to choose a primary objective, and have secondary ones as well. I don't need to throw away everything else I've been researching, but focus in on one section to prioritise and 'go deep.'

We also discussed the scale of my project. So far my research has been quite broad, and as such somewhat vague. Phoebe challenged me to consider my audience and how I want to deliver this project- would it be for personal development, for the classroom, school, community, city, country? 

She also reminded me to keep a focus on why I chose this topic, what about it actually interests and inspires me? Where were these ideas born from? This links back to the values of my project. Why am I doing this and why is it important? In answer, I want to find out how my own history of a creative childhood was created, and how I can instil what I've learnt and experienced into a 'something' to support creativity in today's youth.

Bullet notes highlighting areas of conversation, and pointers to take into further research:

  • Consider stakeholders- who would this sell to, make sure they become part of the problem statement. 
  • Choose a primary objective, but have secondary ones etc... Don't have to throw away everything else I've been researching, but focus in on one section to prioritise and 'go deep.'
  • Why? Keep justifying why this is a problem and why it's important. Write a one pager of why I'm doing this- what is the problem? 
  • Communicate the value- lateral thinking, sell the soft skills.
  • Show translation to career pathways- show how this is important.
  • MVP! For S2, use minimal touch points, and do them well.
  • Is this going to be for personal, classroom, community, city use? What's the scale?
  • Workshops?
  • Explore talent, building confidence, what are my values? Go through mind map and tie every point to the values I'm trying to achieve- why is this important?
  • Keep tactile design- use skills in fashion/ textiles.
  • Intangible character, come back to how I was raised. Highlight how I was raised, what was different between my childhood and that of others?
  • Question the status quo- question NZ education methods in an exploratory approach.
  • Define small.
  • VALUES! Link to tangible behaviour- go back to mind map. Why am I this way. What made me this way.
  • What does independent learning look like? What is the opportunity in unseen moments? (Eg on the bus etc...)
  • "Some of the best learning happens outside the classroom." Phoebe J Smith (Interview, 26 March 2019)
  • Take all idea concepts- on A4, spend 30 mins on each one fleshing it out, bounce off peers, get feedback, explore and then decide which has the most potential.
  • Safe, but engaging learning atmosphere, how to involve the senses to create an experiential learning space?
  • Follow up contact: Student Recruitment Advisors- downloadable resources? (If heading in a career pathway direction.)


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