Week 4: Ideas brainstorm- Where is this leading... Insights, Assumptions, and Ideas

Summary of insights/ key quotes so far:

  • Not all schools are bad- some use and adapt NCEA in ways that mitigate the issues I've pointed out in this project.
  • Current school systems are created with the end goal of 'higher education'.
  • "In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." -TOM BODETT
  • Technology has greatly influenced changes in education in the past 5 years- both good and bad.
  • The current society of having 2 working parents has changed the way children are raised, more falls on schools. (What did parents do in the past that modern parents can't do now- how can education systems support this.)
  • Schools might build our bridge to the world, but it's time we redesign that bridge, so that those who fall off the sides, know how to swim. I am smashing/ breaking/ challenging.....
  • Students don't engage the same anymore- gender gap/ tech influence. social movement, social bubbles. People don't know how to 'be' not comfortable to meet new people/ network/ attempt new skills. How can we break the new social 'rules' built by social media.
  • Universal social justice is growing, now is the time for change.
  • Kids are growing up in a generation of change, but is our school system changing with them?
  • The future is unknown, how can we educate for the unknown? (Unpredictability of education)
  • "Creativity is as important in education as literacy, we should treat it with the same status." -Sir Ken Robinson, 'Do Schools Kill Creativity'.
  • Kids natural instinct is curiosity- schools often crush this with 'inside the box' thinking.
  • Academic ability dominates our societies views of intelligence.
  • Intelligence is diverse, dynamic, and distinct. It's interactive.
  • Creativity: the process of having original ideas that have value. "Creativity comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things." Sir Ken Robinson, 'Do Schools Kill Creativity'.
  • Our children are our future, how they're educated will influence where the world heads.
  • Youth written language skills are declining.
  • "Education improves people’s abilities to meet their basic needs, widens the range of career options open to them, and allows them more control over the direction their lives take."
  • "In New Zealand, formal education is compulsory for those aged 6 to 16 years. Early childhood education and tertiary study are optional." Stats.nz
  • 'Creativity is intelligence having fun' -Albert Einstein

Summary of assumptions so far: 

  • There's a lack of continued support in the transition from education to working life/ adulthood.
  • The overuse of technology is taking away (physical) social lives as well as creativity.
  • Anti-tech = pro-creativity.
  • That technology is pushing away/ replacing more hands-on methods of learning.
  • Teachers rely on 'inside the box' methods, they only teach the requirements of the curriculum.
  • School systems have their own personal resources that they won't be willing to share.
  • Every school has the same hierarchy of subject structure (STEM/ NCEA)
  • That kids are overusing technology.
  • That kids aren't managing a balance in their play.
  • That physical/hands-on play is important and linked to creativity.
  • NCEA is 'shit'.
  • NCEA is restrictive.
  • Education has lost its value, one degree won't get you a job, standards have been raised. (Academic inflation)

Summary of ideas so far:

  • Resources for young adults to continue healthy creative habits.
  • Could have 'renting' craft suite.
  • Campaign to parliament to change/ add curriculum features.
  • 'Hobbies day' like careers day, roadshow style?
  • Facilitate teachers to facilitate creativity- physical teacher resource/ guide/ rulebook style?
  • Tinder for hobbies? (app) Encouraging and facilitating access for youth to try new things, learn new skills, be more creative.
  • Combine networking and learning in random new groups. New skills (creativity) and new people focus- path to workforces.
  • "We need to rethink our view of intelligence" Sir Ken Robinson, 'Do Schools Kill Creativity'.
  • Rethink fundamental principals of education- why do we learn- why do we teach?
  • Find a way that NCEA balances with other curriculum styles- what are the similarities, what are the differences. (How can we meet the requirements of NCEA through other pathways.)
  • Redesign subjects that are considered 'undesirable'.
  • Focus on changing one subject (related to improving creativity).
  • Find a way to bring the arts into STEM subjects? Why do they have to be separated?
  • Create pathways that connect skills to workforce, show kids/parents how, where, and why they need/ can get the skills for their futures.
  • Equip teachers, parents, and students to navigate the education -> workplace system.

"We design for the future, we don't design for the then or now." - Karl Kane (Conversation).

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